Happy Week: Things we did

This is really just a "what we did this week" post, but there were so many things that made me really happy, that I decided to title it differently :-)

My sister in law Ang, and D, watching the dolphins at the Minnesota Zoo.  This picture makes me happy because 1) I love being with family  2) I love it that my kids have such great relationships with their aunts and uncles  and 3)  I'm so grateful for the relationship that Ang & I have now. We have both overcome many obstacles but now are quite wonderful friends! 
A mother in law who has enough energy (even with a broken kneecap) to tour the zoo with us!!

Yay for beautiful flowers growing outside my house, and a recycled bottle to put them in :)

Projects!! I love art projects with the kids.  After seeing the awesome aquarium at the MN zoo, we were inspired to make our own in the kitchen.  K painted some seaweed, and a jelly fish, and D painted a few fish and a whale.  Very fun!
My parents are coming out on Tuesday and we'll be seeing K walk in the All Abilities Fashion Show on Wednesday!  It should be another great week! :-)


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