Letting Them Fail

365 days ago, Caleb walked out of Louisville with a 1st place Showmanship ribbon in his hands and a smile the size of Texas. Since that day, he has had his heart set on winning showmanship at NAILE again. Before show season even started, he hand picked the most docile lamb in our pens and named her. He worked all summer with Sophia. With the thousands of inches of rain this summer, when most eight year old kids were in front of a screen, he was in the barn in front of a mirror with Sophia. When it was 98 degrees, and other kids were at the pool, he was outside with Sophia. Mid October, when it was freezing, he was bundled up with Sophia, practicing getting her legs set just right. If there is a kid that worked for that win this year, it's him. After all of those months of dedication, he was so excited when it was finally show time last weekend, no one more confident than him. When he came out of that ring, with a third place ribbon in his han...