Fun Things

My original intention in writing this was to share fun and new things we are doing around here. I am always encouraged and inspired when I hear of other moms' fun activities and often try to recreate them at our house. This week my eldest and baby are both sick. Not too conducive to fun activities, but we did our best! This week was the week of experiments for D. He was so interested when his big sister came home from school with a snow globe (made of an old baby food jar, glitter, beads, etc.) He begged me to recycle some of C's baby food jars for his own creation. And we did it! A little food coloring, an old bead bracelet that I took scissors to, an old wooden doll of my husbands, and a hot glue gun. 20 minutes later he had a beautiful (subjectively) snow globe of his own. We also did a lot of ice/water experiments since it was nice outside. We used an old tuna can and filled it with water and placed it outside of our door. Every hour we would go check it to see how mu...