The Sports God

The end of football season marks the beginning of wrestling & basketball season at our house. And the end of wrestling and basketball is quickly followed by the beginning of baseball season. Throw some intense competitive sheep shows throughout the summer and fall in there, and you have a pretty clear picture of how competitive our house can feel. There are things that I really love about having two boys who view themselves as athletes. They have a healthy outlet for their aggression towards each other. They learn physical control of their bodies. They learn what it looks like to lose and win well. They learn that a bad attitude towards their coaches means a loss of playing time. They learn how to be a part of a team, and that one person, regardless of talent, cannot make for a winning season. At least, that's what they should be learning by playing sports. These are the lessons that are worth the money, time, and energy spent on any endeavor. Lessons that transcend ...