
Showing posts from September, 2013

Ancient Egypt activities

We have had a lot of fun traveling through Ancient Egypt Our trip through Egypt We read a fun book about a cave discovery with all sorts of artwork painted on the walls, so this is our version :-) Homemade chariots! Kids loved this one! My favorite activity during our Ancient Egypt unit was building sugar cube pyramids! All three kids loved doing this activity. It can be small (beginning with a 6x6 base) or huge (D started with 10x10 base!) Warning: Sugar cubes are a little tricky to find! After completion, he asked me to save it so that he can show it at the county fair... so it is still standing in our garage!! Even through a move to a new house! This was another really fun activity. A lot of the books we read had maps of Ancient Egypt. We also located Egypt on our world map and drew in the Nile River and it's tributaries. So Cookie Dough maps seemed like the perfect activity!! We used premade cookie dough, blue frosting, a variety of candies ...

So Much More

18 years ago, I thought I was on the brink of being a young woman. I was coming up on a big birthday, and thought I knew exactly what I wanted. I was no longer a baby, a toddler, a preschooler, even a child. I was growing up, and 12 seemed a significant age. I was a fairly typical (for West Bloomfield) 12 year old girl, and I wanted whatever most of my friends were getting for their birthdays (I think it was a cell phone) Instead, I opened a birthday card from my dad a few weeks early, and saw a gift certificate for a vacation. A vacation. Not what I had asked for. In fact, we went on vacations fairly frequently and truly, I wasn't all that impressed. Never mind that I had an amazing time. Never mind that I learned to surf, and sail, and met people I never would have met otherwise. Never mind that it was WAY better than what I had asked for. I still really wanted that cell phone. Fast forward 10 years. I'm 21, on the brink of adulthood, and I know exact...