
When Kaitlyn was first born and diagnosed with Down Syndrome, I had a wonderful doctor come in and encourage me. He told me that although it felt like my world was ending, it wasn't. It was really just beginning. I don't remember a lot from the first few days, but I do remember doubting. I read a poem that first month, about raising a child with a disability, that likened the feeling to having a dream die. Suddenly the dream of a certain destination, the "end goal" of raising children seems impossible.... The last 6 1/2 years have been the most eye opening, life changing years of my life. Watching Kaitlyn fight her way to independence has given me hope and faith that I didn't have before her. I have been so deeply humbled by celebrating each accomplishment with her, accomplishments that I didn't think she was capable of. And it shifted the way that I see my purpose in life in a way that nothing else could have. Last night, celebrating Down Syndro...