
Showing posts from January, 2012

Just for the Fun of It

"What is the point of that?" It's a reoccurring question that seems to pop up a lot lately with children's activities that I post about. I'll blog about an activity we've done, or post pictures on facebook of a fun project, or "Pin" ideas for sensory bins and other fun things to do with the kids on Pinterest.  And inevitably I get an email, a comment, a question.... "Why? Why would you make a mess like that?"  "That seems like a lot of work"  "What would you do with those?" Some are questions by parents who genuinely want to know, others are a little more condescending than that. So in response to everyone's questions or comments, and those who maybe really are just wondering why? but not asking.... it's for fun.   Just for fun! Sure, I could write an entire summary of everything gained from something like "Sparkle Mud" (do you want me to? I will! There's fine motor opportunities in manipu...

A Year in the Life

Wow... it's been an entire year of blogging. I never thought I would stick with something this long.  It's in my nature to quit, to give up, usually before beginning, but almost always before it's finished. I had set a goal for myself that I would write frequently for an entire year, to help me collect my own thoughts, share the feelings and struggles that I go through as a mom and a wife, and just as a person. Also just to practice accomplishing goals. I hope that throughout this year I have shared something that has struck a personal chord with someone reading it.  I hope that I haven't come off as overly confident in my mothering, or overly insecure in my mothering. I hope I have shared honestly and genuinely without sounding as if I am preaching, but also not being fearful to be true to myself and to my faith.  I try not to be overly embarrassed of my struggles, or prideful of the accomplishments. God has shown me a lot of weaknesses in my life this year, He...