The Tortoise and the Hare

I have this particular Aesop fable on audio. We listen to it in the car while driving to gymnastics lessons, or to drop someone off at school, or to entertain them as I do another of the 20 errands on my list, my kids giggling away in the back seat as the overly confident rabbit dozes off in the afternoon sun... The very last line in this particular children's version is "And the moral is, slow and steady wins the race." Slow and Steady. This story first found it's way into a printed story book in the 1500's. More than 500 years ago, people needed a lesson, a fable to remind them the value of slowing down. I think "slow and steady" has a biblical name: perseverance. The dictionary defines perseverance as steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty and delay. The hare obviously was not steadfast. Though certainly overly confident, I find the hare to be uncomfortable relatable. Every day, I have my to do list, I have the list of things...